
Back to School Forms

The following forms are due by August 1st or on your child's first day if they are starting mid-year. PLEASE BRING HARD COPIES OF ALL FORMS AND PLACE IN THE DROP BOX BY OUR FRONT DOORS.

Medical Forms

We will need 2 medical forms for your child before they attend our program. These are required by the State of Colorado for every student entering a licensed program. You will need to print the two forms linked in the paragraphs below to have them filled out and signed by the doctor. ANY OTHER FORMS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED, YOU MUST USE THESE EXACT FORMS:

*A copy of your child's last check-up/physical exam. Children usually have their well child check-up around the time of their birthday each year. The State of Colorado requires this form (General Health Appraisal) to be filled out at your child's check up.The General Health Appraisal is valid for one year. Please also be aware that there is a required parent signature on this form.

*A copy of your child's immunization record. Immunizations must be printed on the CDPHE immunization form.  Please print this form and take this form with you to your child's appointment.

If you have chosen to not have your child immunized, you will need to visit the State of Colorado website at to fill out the appropriate paperwork.

MEDICATIONS: If your child has a special need in which we will administer medications (Epi-Pen, inhaler, etc.) food allergies or a medical procedure, you will need to let us know IMMEDIATELY via email. The physician will need to provide the State Allergy form if your child has an allergy. I will then make the connection with our health consultant before your child attends the first day.

Emergency Form

Below is a link to download the Emergency Form. This Form has vital information for your child’s safety and care. We ask that you print out this form, have it filled out and turned in by August 1st, or on your child's first day of school if they are starting mid-year.


Parent Handbook

Please read the parent handbook and then print, sign and return the last page by August 1st, or on your child's first day if they are starting mid-year.

School Supplies

Due to the many inquiries about donating supplies to The Children’s Center, we have created an optional supply list. Please note that Pre-K and Pre-Plus have a couple of required supplies on this list. Please also keep in mind that we are a non-profit organization and any donations are tax deductible. Thank you for your continued support!

Parent Permission Form

Please print, sign and return by August 1 or on your child’s first day of school if they are starting mid-year.

Parent permission form